With 1 litre of ACTIVE COATING PURbcAIR, you can effectively coat a window area of around 3,000 m². This supplies a room area of approx. 24,000 m² with clean and healthy air.

For rooms in schools, day care centres, kindergartens, offices, hotels and restaurants, a ratio of 5m² room area to 1m² coated glass is recommended – i.e. around 15,000m² with 1 litre.

A Trotec HEPA device can supply an area of 80 m² with fresh air. 188 devices are required and an investment of around €375,000 plus 19% VAT in order to supply a room area of 15,000 m² with healthy breathable air. The investment sum for ACTIVE COATING PURbcAIR is about the same. This can coat 3,000 m² of window glass.

For a room area of 8 m² and a room height of 2.5 metres, there should be a coated glass area of 1 m². In this example, one litre of PURbcAIR would still supply an area of approx. 15,000  m² with healthy breathable air.

188 filter devices have to be produced with high energy expenditure and high CO2 emissions. In addition, valuable raw materials and high-quality materials such as plastics, metals, circuit boards, elements for producing filters, copper cables and many more are consumed.

One filter device requires 0.75 KWh electricity for operation. 188 devices consume 141 KW electricity per hour. If these devices are in operation for 8 hours, they consume 1,128 KWh each day. This costs (calculated according to lower electricity costs in Austria) around 214 euros.

Per day, 8 hours of filtering, commercial electricity cost calculation (commercial is cheaper) results in electricity costs of about €78,000 per year.

If the electricity is not drawn from renewable energy sources, these devices emit immense amounts of CO2 emissions.

Due to the high connected loads of the devices, there is the risk that the power grids in schools, day care centres and kindergartens will not allow for widespread use, not to mention the consumption and costs of filters.

Two filters are used in each device: a pre-filter for around €33 plus 19% VAT and a H14 high-performance filter according to EN1822 for around €235 plus 19% VAT.

The filters need to be replaced twice a year. There would be annual follow-up costs here of around €100,990 plus 19% VAT for filter replacement. Plus the costs of working time for replacement.

COMPARISON “Active Coating” to HEPA & UVC filter systems

„Active Coating“ 
HEPA filter systems UVC
filter systems
Removal of all relevant harmful substances yes no no
Maintenance & service expense (e.g. filter replacement) no yes yes
Operating costs (such as electricity etc.) no yes yes
Operating noise no yes yes
Space requirements no yes yes
Extremely high CO2 emissions no yes yes
Use of resources low high high
Production of hazardous waste (filter) no yes yes

PURbcAIR, HEPA & UVC filter systems

Cost comparison in € (5-year view)

(Figures relate to application example) 

“ACTIVE COATING” is the most cost-effective solution for air purification as there are no follow-up costs after purchasing it!

CO₂ Emissions: ACTIVE COATING, HEPA & UVC filter systems 

(proportionate distribution over product life cycle)


Operation (electricity etc.)
Maintenance & service

UVC filter systens

Operation (electricity etc.)
Maintenance & service

HEPA filter systems

Operation (electricity etc.)
Maintenance & service

“ACTIVE COATING” focuses on sustainability and minimising CO₂ emissions, thus protecting our environment!
